Monday, August 27, 2007

This I Believe

I was reading another of NPR's "This I Believe" series, this time of a charity worker's opinions regarding the naming conventions for her baby that you can read here.

The naming process she and her husband decided upon was a listing of the traits they found most important. Through this, they would

In deciding on the first two traits, strangely enough, she and I were completely in tune. For those of you who don't want to bother reading the article, those traits, in that order, were "honesty" and "charity".

For my third, I decided to settle on "industrious/innovative". Something that I am certainly not, but I value because those traits can lead one to want to better things, that end up not being just for oneself, but for everyone around.

For their third trait, however, they had decided upon the ability to laugh at oneself. I heartily recommend you read the last paragraph in that article to see why.

And I completely agreed.

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